Centos – /var/run/httpd.pid missing


Recently one of our web servers httpd stopped working and I haven't been able to find the problem. Today I sat down and went through every directory in the httpd.conf and have found an issue.

the /var/run/httpd.pid is missing from the folder.

All other files are there and seem to be fine. I cannot create a new file with the same name in vi and I have no idea what could have caused this.

I imagine it was caused by a cold reboot at some stage as no other extraordinary processes have been run on this server at the time it went down.

I am running CentOS 3.

How can I reinstate this file?

Best Answer

You have to find out where your Apache creates its PID and who is the owner of the process. Then, check if the Apache owner has the read/write access to the destination directory.