Centos – Very Slow tmpfs Read/Write speeds


I have attempted to use a tmpfs to speed up some heavily accessed files. I wanted to test the read and write speeds of both the HDD its self and a tmpfs. My results where strangely low for what I was expecting:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/******/tmpfs/test.data bs=1k count=128k
131072+0 records in
131072+0 records out
134217728 bytes (134 MB) copied, 4.03752 seconds, 33.2 MB/s

The directory /home/******/tmpfs is a 200MB tmpfs that I mounted a little bit before.

I do not have much experience with tmpfs's and was wondering… Isn't this very slow? What can be done to speed this up? What is causing the slow speeds?

Best Answer

That speed is suspiciously close to the speed of a somewhat slow hard drive. You may have run out of real memory and started swapping. How much free memory do you have?