CentOS Virt-v2v conversion tool


I am trying to use the virt-v2v tool in CentOS for the conversion of virtual to virtual and eventually physical to virtual machines. I am rather confused after spending a day trying to get the virt-2v2 converter set up and working.

I am running CentOS 6.5, below are my reasons for confusion.

I am attempting to convert a VMWare virtual machine, and I an confused about the concept of a "Storage Pool". When I open virt-manager and go to the localhost connection details (qemu:///system) and go to the Storage tab, I can see that there is a default storage pool located at /var/lib/libvirt/images. Is this basically a directory where images are stored?

When I attempt to use the virt0-v2v command as follows:

virt-v2v -i libvirtxml -osd /var/lib/libvirt/images Windows7.xml

Where windows7 xml is an xml file generated with the Vmware2libvirt tool.
I am told that /var/lib/libvirt/images is not a valid storage pool. Perhaps there is something I am doing wrong when issuing this command. Please forgive my ignorance, I am very new to virtualization and server management in general.

Best Answer

You should use the name of the storage pool, not the path to it. You can get your storage pool names with virsh pool-list. You should have one named default.

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