Centos – What does load average statement mean in sendmail log? Current LA? Or Threshold


In sendmail logs, I'm seeing events like:

Mar 20 08:36:05 foo sendmail_daemon_foo[1234]: rejecting connections on daemon MTA: load average: 50

Does this mean that the connection was rejected because the current load average on the system was 50? Or does this mean the connection was rejected because the current load average on the system exceeded a sendmail threshold of 50?

I have dual Xeon processors with 8 cores. As far as I know, sendmail throttles connections based on a couple formulas (as per http://www.sendmail.org/m4/tweaking_config.html):

  • By default, messages are queued when load average reaches 8 * number of procs
  • By default messages are rejected when load average reaches 12 * number of procs

I don't have any special configurations so I wouldn't have thought there to be issues unless LA was at least 64.


Best Answer

As the configuration README states:

  • confQUEUE_LA QueueLA [varies] Load average at which queue-only function kicks in. Default values is (8 * numproc) where numproc is the number of processors online (if that can be determined).

  • confREFUSE_LA RefuseLA [varies] Load average at which incoming SMTP connections are refused. Default values is (12 * numproc) where numproc is the number of processors online (if that can be determined).

It is best to set these values "by hand" in sendmail.mc and see what happens.