Centos – When, if ever, can i expect Perl 5.10 to be available on CentOS


I'm mainly a Perl programmer and as such entirely clueless about linux administration and politics, but i figure people here would be able to help me on this one. I'm working on a website that is being run on a CentOS 5.4 server, which seems to be stuck on Perl 5.8.8.

I know there are several guides and such out there on how to install it manually, but I'm wondering: Can i expect whoever maintains CentOS (I really have no clue about the sysadmin side.) to ever officially make Perl 5.10 (or higher) available for 5.4? If so, when?

Best Answer

CentOS follow RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux). RHEL 6 is on the way, which means that CentOS 6 will also be released in a few weeks (estimate).

I took a quick look at RHEL 6 repodata, and it seems that Perl will, in the new version, have version 5.10.1:

ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/rhel/beta/6/i386/os/Packages/ perl-5.10.1-106.el6.i686.rpm

Answer: Yes, you can expect it to be available in CentOS in a little while.