Centos – Where is linux automount’s config


I have a centos box, it has some NFS mounts. I'm trying to figure out these NFS filesystems get mounted. And I figured out if I rename /usr/sbin/automount to some else name, after reboot the box, those NFS will not be mount. So I can be sure that automount does those NFS mounts.

But /etc/auto.master show nothing about those NFS's info. I wonder what possibilities there could be about how automount how which NFS to mount?

$ cat /etc/auto.master
# Sample auto.master file
# This is an automounter map and it has the following format
# key [ -mount-options-separated-by-comma ] location
# For details of the format look at autofs(5).
/misc   /etc/auto.misc
# NOTE: mounts done from a hosts map will be mounted with the
#   "nosuid" and "nodev" options unless the "suid" and "dev" 
#   options are explicitly given.
/net    -hosts
# Include central master map if it can be found using
# nsswitch sources.
# Note that if there are entries for /net or /misc (as
# above) in the included master map any keys that are the
# same will not be seen as the first read key seen takes
# precedence.

But under /var/run, I find somethings like the following:

prw-------  1 root      root         0 Jan 20 04:36 autofs.fifo-bldmnt
prw-------  1 root      root         0 Jan 20 04:36 autofs.fifo-blr

Best Answer

The file auto.master usually contains this line:

/net    -hosts

An older alternative is (was):

/net    /etc/auto.net

The first line is the so called builtin map referring to the file /etc/hosts and the second example is a so called program map (usually a simple shell script), which may better explain to you how the automounter works.

I guess you have some symbolic links on your system pointing to some path on remote servers under /net (or whatever autofs path prefix is used instead of /net in your copy of the /etc/auto.master).

Whenever a path below the /net anchor is visited the automounter catches this attempt and tries to mount the referenced directory there.


Assume the automounter is running and in the network there exists a NFS server named HostA which exports a directory named Documents in his /etc/exports file. Then using the command

cd /net/HostA/Documents

can automatically mount this remote directory there without further configuration on the NFS client.


Like other services automount uses named pipes for some internal interprocess communication. So the files in /var/run/ mentioned in the question are created by the automount process for this purpose prior to really mounting anything.

In early versions of the autofs package /etc/auto.net was a script which calls the command showmount or kshowmount --no-headers -e NFS-SERVER to obtain a list of exported filesystems from the NFS server.

showmount on the client displays the directories defined in the file /etc/exports on the server side. This file might contain the directory /. But due to security concerns this was never the default on any Linux distribution I've ever seen.