Centos – Why is SELinux blocking the Zabbix agent’s sudo calls


I have some Zabbix checks that require sudo. These are the contents of /etc/sudoers.d/zabbix

zabbix ALL=(ALL)    NOPASSWD: /bin/yum history
zabbix ALL=(ALL)    NOPASSWD: /bin/needs-restarting
zabbix ALL=(ALL)    NOPASSWD: /sbin/check31
zabbix ALL=(ALL)    NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/crm_mon --as-xml

When I force check from my Zabbix proxy I get the following permission
denied error (pacemaker.status uses /usr/sbin/crm_mon --as-xml):

bash-5.0$ zabbix_get -s my-server -k pacemaker.status
sudo: PAM account management error: System error
sudo: unable to send audit message: Permission denied

I verified SELinux is indeed blocking my calls by temporarily setting SELinux in permissive mode.

Then, I tried allowing these calls by going through the following steps.

First, I rotated the audit log as it was full with irrelevant messages from previous issues:

service auditd rotate

I then removed all dontaudits from the policy:

semodule -DB

On the Zabbix proxy I triggered the error by executing the zabbix_get call as stated above.

From the logs I created an SELinux module and installed it with semodule:

cat /var/log/audit/audit.log | audit2allow -M zabbix-agent
semodule -i zabbix-agent.pp

Still, I get the same permission denied error on sending the audit message when I execute zabbix_get. I did some research, turning off dontaudits should do the trick and force SELinux to log additional messages to address this issue, but I have and it doesn't work for my situation.

This is the zabbix-agent.te file audit2allow has built:

module zabbix-agent 1.0;

require {
    type zabbix_agent_t;
    type chkpwd_exec_t;
    class unix_dgram_socket create;
    class file execute_no_trans;
    class netlink_audit_socket create;

#============= zabbix_agent_t ==============
allow zabbix_agent_t chkpwd_exec_t:file execute_no_trans;
allow zabbix_agent_t self:netlink_audit_socket create;
allow zabbix_agent_t self:unix_dgram_socket create;

Best Answer

Did you try:

setsebool -P zabbix_can_network=1

if you already allowed the above, then you may try this:

yum install policycoreutils-python
semanage permissive -a zabbix_agent_t

Good luck