Yum Update Issue – Fixing Yum Not Updating Httpd Past Version 2.2.3 on CentOS


I have a fresh CentOS vps (CentOS release 5.4 (Final)), and yum installs Apache/httpd version 2.2.3 but 2.2.14 is the latest release. Why doesn't yum install more recent updates?

Best Answer

CentOS is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, which is built for businesses to use in servers. As such, it values stability far more than the latest bleeding edge features which may or may not work properly. So it rarely has the latest and greatest versions of anything. The preference is instead for the version that's been around the block a few times, and had all the kinks worked out.

Now, that being said, RedHat does back port patches. So any bugs or vulnerability issues that are fixed in later versions of Apache will be applied to RedHat's version. So you have the security of the latest patches, combined with the stability of a well known, and well tested software version. That's exactly what businesses are looking for.

If you really want the latest version of something, you still have options. You can A) compile it yourself. B) Get a distribution more aimed at bleeding edge versions. Or C) use a repository other than the official RedHat ones, that may have newer versions of software.