Centos – Yum repo basic auth not working


So we've got this yum repo that is protected via basic auth. My yum.repo definition looks like this

name=Releases Repository

Yum is able to pull the metadata and find the packages on my repo. I even confirmed via a sniffer that the correct basic auth is happening. But when I try to install a package it fails with the typical 401.

From the message shown and from the info grabbed from the sniffer I can tell that no authentication is been used at all.

Total download size: 34 M
Installed size: 39 M
Downloading packages:
http://user:password@our-corporate-yum.devops.company.com:8080/mrepo/nexus-noarch/RPMS.releases-rpm/com/company/artifact/xxxxx/0.9-SNAPSHOT/artifact-0.9-20140515.171948-39-   rpm.rpm: [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 401 Unauthorized"
Trying other mirror.

Based on yum.conf I also tried adding username and password params as described there, but that didn't work.

What is that that I'm doing wrong?

Any ideas?


Best Answer

For anyone interested the problem is related to our nexus repo and this bug.

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