Centos6 Apache configure SUEXEC wrapper


On a Centos 6 trying to upgrade to a specific apache version (from 2.2.24 to 2.2.25) from source since yum doesn't have the right version I need (or the very least I can't find the repo for it) and I ran into an issue with suexec not being able to run my virtual host.

I copied all the config over from my working older apache version, modified the httpd.conf to reflect the new location and the new port. Currently I still have my .24 apache running on port 80 in /etc/httpd and I am trying to configure my .25 apache which is in /usr/local/apache2 and whenever I start up the new apache I get:

Warning: SuexecUserGroup directive requires SUEXEC wrapper.

Reading up a bit up on suexec I see that it needs a wrapper and I am completely oblivious as where to go after having my entire apache compiled.

Is suexec wrapper something you can add on after ./config, make, make install?

I am new to working with apache so any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: I'm not sure if I should try to delete the entire instance of the newer apache and try to reconfigure & make it, but at the same time I'm not sure how to delete only the newer apache without messing up the currently configured version.

Best Answer

If you build apache yourself and you want the suexec wrapper compiled with it, you need to add it before compiling to the configure options: --enable-suexec.

Check http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/suexec.html#install

If you just compile and install again, only the new apache should be overwritten.