Centreon not graphing Windows Disk Check


I'm trying to figure out how to get Centreon to graph a Windows Diskspace check. The service comes back fine:

OK: C:\: 14.9G|'C:\ %'=63%;20;10 'C:\'=14.94GB;4;4;0;39.99

However, when I try to add a curve to graph this data, I get nowhere. When I look under Administration->Options->Centstorage->Manage the service(s) show metrics spelled C-\\-% and C-\ but using those for Data Source names (using C-\\\\-% to get the \\ to show up) under Views->Graphs->Curves does nothing. I've also tried defining Data Sources as C:\ % and C:\ as well as 'C:\ %' and 'C:\' to no avail.

Finally, I've tried deleting service data and rebuilding the RRD database as well as restarting the centstorage daemon, /etc/init.d/centstorage restart, which did solve a similar problem… but not this one.

Thanks very much for your time and help.

EDIT: Noticed C-\\-% looked like it had no \

Best Answer

I encountered the same problem and it's a known issue which is supposed to be fixed but doesn't seem to be.

I took a different approach. I read the Windows Perf counters via NRPE like this to get my free disk space in MB:

$USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 5666 -c CheckCounter -a "Counter:DiskC-FreeMB=\LogicalDisk(C:)\Free Megabytes" ShowAll MinWarn=0 MinCrit=0

I also have a separate check to monitor my free space as a percentage by doing:

$USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 5666 -c CheckCounter -a "Counter:DiskC-PctFree=\\LogicalDisk(C:)\\% Free Space" ShowAll MinWarn=20 MinCrit=15

It's not ideal but at least I have some metrics that can be graphed.

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