Certificate status still pending even after completion


I have exchange 2013 on Azure VM which is also a DC. for using services like autodiscover etc I need to get a valid 3rd Party certificate which I got from STARTSSL, I generated the request and got the certificate downloaded along with private key from STARTSSL. I clicked complete and import the certificate still it says status pending. I also tried the certufil -repairstore my "thumbprint" but it asks for smart card which I cant as my Machine is on AZURE VM, can anyone help please ?

Here is an image about it:

enter image description here

Best Answer

That looks to me like the certificate didn't install correctly. Not unusual. You could try downloading the certificate again and see if it will install correctly a second time. Otherwise it will have to be a new request within Exchange so you get a fresh key pair.

You shouldn't have Exchange on a domain controller either...