Change Envelope From to match From header in Postfix


I am using Postfix as a gateway for my domain and need it to change or rewrite the Envelope From address to match the From header. For example, the From: header is "" and the Envelope From is "". I want Postfix to make the Envelope From "" before relaying it on. I took a look at the Postfix Address Rewriting document but couldn't find anything that matched my use case.

(In case you're curious why I need to do this: Gmail uses the same Envelope From when sending from a particular account, no matter which From: address you choose to use. I would prefer not to disclose the account being used to send the email. Also, it messes with SPF/DMARC domain alignment – see 4.2.2 of the DMARC draft spec.)

Best Answer

I believe you want "sender_canonical_maps" (and "recipient_canonical_maps" if you want inbound mail to be translated backwards):