Change FQDN of Exchange 2010 server


When I try to connect an Outlook (2010) client to my Exchange 2010 server I notice that its trying to use the local FQDN of the Exchange server to auto-connect. (

This is not Ideal and preffered would be the global FQDN of the mailserver. (

In DNS I have the following records for the Exchange Server:

What should I change in my configuration to make Outlook automatically (local) connect with the global FQDN instead of the local machine name? (if this is possible at all off course)

Is it as simple as changing all the FQDN's on the Receive connectors in the Hub Transport? Or are there more things to consider?

I've tried searching for the answer but this question is a bit to specific to find a clear answer.

Best Answer

I think the answer you're looking for would be to properly configure the autodiscover services to dish out the outlook anywhere external host name settings.

Outlook anywhere would force your clients to connect using and the settings would be picked up automatically using your autodiscover DNS record when you first configure Outlook.

I could also be very wrong though and be misunderstanding the question, because when you first configure Outlook the server name in the "Server" field always resolves to the local computer DNS name to the best of my knowledge.

EDIT: Also: goeiedag!