Change RDS Remote computer path in .RDP file


I have a similar problem as listed here: RDS 2012 R2 and Remote Desktop Collection: Change "Remote Computer" value

I cannot figure out how to use the command listed.

Set-RDSessionCollectionConfiguration –CollectionName <your collection> -CustomRdpProperty “use redirection server name:i:1 `n alternate full”

When looking at this code, can someone explain what servers to put where?


My DNS name is

My server name is (also the name showing up in .RDP file)

I want to set helper to the remote computer name in the .RDP file.


Best Answer

Figured it out.

So I needed to just specify the alternate address after full address:s:"name here" full address was a command and I did not realize it.

Also for anyone looking to just update the RDP config file it can be done with the registry, by navigating to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Terminal Server\

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