Change the value of MaxRequestLen via .htaccess


Is it possible to change the value of MaxRequestLen without root access to my Apache dedicated server (managed version)? I was hoping to be able to change the value via .htaccess? Does anyone know if this is possible?

I investigated if the value could be changed via a php.ini file but MaxRequestLen is server configuration rather than a PHP variable.

Please note plain CGI is enabled on the server (the server has no Fast CGI).


<IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
MaxRequestLen 31457280

Would something like this work in .htaccess?

Best Answer

The upgrade from apache 2.2 to apache 2.4 changed the directive from MaxRequestLen to FcgidMaxRequestLen. As you can see from the linked documentation, the FcgidMaxRequestLen directive is only usable in the Server Config and Virtual Host contexts.

So to answer your question, No you can't make this change in the .htaccess.

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