Change time on windows server 2003


I would like to change the date/time on a windows 2003 box that is a part of an AD domain to a day far in the past for a period of time. Is this possible without the box resyncing with the DC, and still maintaining its membership in the domain (authentication and such)?

I need the date on the server to be a specific date for some data processing. The software uses the local system time, and I need it to import data based on a date in the past. I can detach the server from the domain and do it, but I'm looking for a way to do it keeping it on the domain

I was hoping to avoid taking it out of AD because I need to do it around 30 times today, changing the date each time.

Best Answer

You should be able to do it by disabling the time service but it will break security because kerberos requires the time to be sync'd (default 5mins max difference)

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