Changing Centreon graph y-axis scale for used disk space


I am monitoring disk space use on Windows servers using the check_nt plugin (via the check_nt_disk command). This works just fine and I get some nice graphs as well.

The problem with the graph (storage template) is that the x-axis shows the disk space used rather than the total size of the disk, for example:

enter image description here

The check that is producing this data is effectively:

./check_nt -H -p 12489 -s MyPassword -v USEDDISKSPACE -l d -w 80 -c 90

Which returns to nagios the following (I've split this over two lines on the pipe character):

d:\ - total: 19.55 Gb - used: 3.65 Gb (19%) - free 15.90 Gb (81%) | 
'd:\ Used Space'=3.65Gb;15.64;17.59;0.00;19.55

I know that the total disk space available is being recorded (19.55) but I don't know how to tweak the graph to use this as the y-axis scale.

Has anyone done this before?

I'm using Nagios 3.2.3 and Centreon 2.2 stable.


In reply to regilero, these are all the curves I have available:

enter image description here

These are all the templates:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Go to Views>Graphs>Curves, there you shoudl find your Curve 'd--Used-Space'. Edit this curve and check the box 'Print Max value'.

In your line 3.65Gb;15.64;17.59;0.00;19.55 you have in fact (value)(metric);(warn level);(crit level);(min level);(max level). So you need to graph as well the max value on this metrics.