Changing Data directory in MariaDB


I have a doubt :

Is mariadb support datadirectory location change from the default
location to the another user defined location ?

When Iam trying to change datadir location of mariadb by editing the path in the configuration file my.ini, after this, restart the mariadb service, but it couldn't started. Only the default(installation) datadir location worked. The same succefully worked with mysql.
Because this is the reason for my doubt…

Please anyone to help me from this issue… (Iam trying in windows)

Best Answer

If you are using a distro like redhat/centos then selinux is not letting mariadb write outside of the pre-set data directory.

If you are using something like ubuntu then apparmour is doing the same thing that selinux is doing.

For a quick fix you can try disabling the one in question and then trying.

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