Changing ISP – Want to Minimize Downtime on DNS Change


I do basic IT for our company, but have started getting into more server-level stuff. So I really need a dumbed down answer if possible.

We just recently switched ISPs. We are using a FatPipe system that bonds two different WAN sources into one LAN. Right now we have both plugged in and working fine. We have two connections bonded T1's and a local wireless internet company. Right now our A record for is pointed to our wireless ISP IP address. I would like to change it to be pointed to our T1's.

Looking at our domain hosting company, our MX record is pointed to That has an A record that goes to our wireless IP. To use our T1 I would just replace that A record with a different IP address, right?

I want to minimize downtime as much as possible. I have been searching on here for different solutions, but all seem to include using different servers. All we are doing is switching our mail from one IP to another. What is the best way to do this with minimum downtime?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Provided your email server is accessable on both IP's there will be no downtime. You would just need to update the MX record with the new IP. Perhaps a better way would be to add the T1 IP address as a ne.w record with a higher priority (a lower number in the mx record equals higher priority) . This means if there is a problem with the first ip address any incoming email will fall back to your other IP address.

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