Changing server mail address (hostname?) on VPS (parallels, plesk)


My VPS came with a default domain (lets say, which was very random long domain name. This VPS hosts two websites, lets call them and

At the moment mail gets sent from, even if I use an authenticated email system emails get classified as Spam since they don't come from the matching domain name.

The server runs Virtuozzo, Plesk, Parallels etc, and an Apache PHP server.

I want to change to

Do I just superuser and change the hostname, or is it more complicated than that?

I access the VPS by IP, so I am not worried about URL access as such, I just need email to be sent from

Can anybody provide me with any advice, I am new to VPS's…

Thanks a lot


Best Answer

instructions here Also be sure to have a PTR record for the IP and setup a SPF record to help with spam catchers. You should run the IP through a RBL checker also and make sure its clean. I like MX tool boxes tool here

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