Check_mk Nagios Plugins


I am trying to move from Nagios to OMD, however, I have a Nagios plugin which I really need (phpfpm) but I am unable to add the plugin to check_mk.

On the check_mk website says that you should use MRPE however, when I try to run the "cmk" command my OS is complaining that the command doesn't exist.

What you guys are suggesting I could use to run Nagios plugins from OMD?

I am running CentOS with OMD 1.20 installed.

Best Answer

I guess you need to configure /etc/check_mk/mrpe.cfg on the host you want to monitor like described in the CheckMK documentation. You also need to put your Nagios Plugins on the host you want to monitor.

When you finished that you can run cmk -I --checks=mrpe host-to-monitor from OMD. To get to the OMD console of your CheckMK instance use su - name-of-your-omd-instance

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