Checking windows time sync from 2 computers with different times


I have 2 domain controllers, that are NOT on the same forest (they are on the same network though)

I am trying to have both of them sync from the same time sync server ( so times will be approx the same.

I have a major off set of about 30 seconds between them, already when I click:

w32tm /stripchart / /samples:5 /data

I run this command with half a second apart between both computers, and these are the results I get:

computer 1
Tracking [].
Collecting 5 samples.
The current time is 3/22/2012 2:01:56 PM.
14:01:56, +26.3561536s
14:01:58, +26.3449049s
14:02:00, +26.3570688s
14:02:02, +26.3536394s
14:02:04, +26.3502308s

computer 2
The current time is 3/22/2012 14:02:21 (local time).
14:02:21, -00.0007888s
14:02:23, +00.0034772s
14:02:26, +00.0077185s
14:02:28, +00.0041969s
14:02:30, +00.0006753s

There is an approx 26 seconds diff, how do I solve this?
These 26s are all printed in the report, but not sure where/how


Best Answer

You don't show how these domains are currently configured to obtain dependable time.


w32tm /monitor

on a DC in each domain to see the current delays and configured parents


w32tm /config / /reliable:YES

to make it force sync with a chosen source - and all other DCs sync from that one.

You should

w32tm /resync

on all other DCs after setting a source manually.