Chef-Server 12 Getting me errors when the node is not time synced


I'm getting this error when the clock on my node is different than 15 minutes from my chef server.

Authentication Error:

Failed to authenticate to the chef server (http 401). enter code
here`The request failed because your clock has drifted by more than 15

Syncing your clock to an NTP Time source should resolve the issue.

Does Someone know how to change that setting on the server or other method to avoid this check? Thanks.

Best Answer

I solved this issue overriding a config on the server. I edited this file /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb

opscode_erchef['auth_skew] = put your threshold here on seconds
E.g: opscode_erchef['auth_skew] = 43200 (threshold of 12h)

With that way to solve, the Web Console, last check-in metric will be wrong, but it works fine.