Chown during rsync from windows to unix


rsync: –groupmap=*:www-data: unknown option

I am trying to add an option to my rsync line to set the group of the files transfered to have www-data as their group.

When i add the option i get the above message.

Here is the rsync line i am trying:

rsync -avz --delete  --chmod=ug=rwX,o=rX  --groupmap=*:www-data ' -e "ssh -p 48"  /cygdrive/e/test

Without the -groupmap flag the files are landing as john:john instead of the desired jonh:www-data.

This is from windows to ubuntu.

Does anyone have any ideas?

it is the same when i try to use –chown:

rsync: --chown=john:www-data: unknown option


Best Answer

The options you reference were included in Version 3.1.0 of rsync, but it looks like you are using cygwin on Windows, which may not have had this version until June-2014.

Given the proximity to your question, you are likely using an older version of rsync. Perhaps you just need to upgrade to the latest cygwin/rsync?

rsync --version