Chrome Group Policy – disable spell check


I need to disable spell check in Google Chrome on our terminal servers. I have setup the group policies but the only setting I can find is for SpellCheckServiceEnabled which isn't the spell check, its just whether the spell check can search the net.

I haven't been able to find a registry setting, or a config file to update either. Also no command line options.

Has anyone been able to turn off spell check in chrome with group policy?


Best Answer

Currently it's not possible to turn off spell check in Chrome with group policy.

However after asking a bunch more questions on why they wanted it turned off: there is an Intranet Web application that they are developing and spell check keeps underlining peoples names and addresses in the forms. So researching on that criteria I found a way to do this with HTML. Just need to add spellcheck=false to the input tags you need to turn it off for.

<input type="text" size="50" spellcheck="false">

(I'm not going to mark this as the answer because its not actually turning off spell check with group policy.)