CIFS Mount issue – Unable to write


After doing the cifs mount we are unable to touch on the share with the user kvk. But we are able to do the same as a root user. following are the configuration and error log.

Fedora version 15:

//<windows-ip>/HS        /home/kvk/share/HS      cifs   defaults,username=user_support   0           0

Error while touch :

[kvk@ats-079 @temp]$ pwd
[kvk@ats-079 @temp]$ touch newfile
touch: cannot touch `newfile': Permission denied

@temp is the directory with in //windows-ip>/HS

Best Answer

Try this:

//<windows-ip>/HS    /home/kvk/share/HS    cifs    uid=kvk,gid=kvk,file_mode=0664,dir_mode=0775   0 0