Cisco ASA 5505 (8.05): interfaces do not come up after reload


For some reason, I have to run no shutdown on each real physical interface to get them to come up after a reload.

To test, I did the following:
write erase to blow away my config, reload and said no to save changes. At the prompt hit no the "interactive setup", enable then conf t then pasted my config in.

I then ran copy run startup followed by reload.

Reboots, configs all there, but interfaces are down. Try reload again, same thing.

Kind of freaked out to deploy this thing somewhere for fear that the interfaces won't come up after a reboot.

Here's the interface portion of my config:

 interface Vlan1
  nameif web
  security-level 50
  ip address
 interface Vlan2
  nameif mgmt
  security-level 100
  ip address
 interface Vlan3
  nameif outside
  security-level 0
  ip address
 interface Ethernet0/0
  switchport access vlan 3
 interface Ethernet0/1
 interface Ethernet0/2
  switchport access vlan 2
 interface Ethernet0/3
 interface Ethernet0/4
 interface Ethernet0/5
 interface Ethernet0/6
 interface Ethernet0/7

One thing that's kind of odd is that even if I run switchport access vlan 1 under int e0/1, it never seems to save that and always leaves it empty.


Ok, if at some point I run no shutdown on the interfaces and then copy run startup, subsequent reloads seem to bring the interface. However, I don't see anything in my show run to indicate that the no shutdown statement is saved anywhere (doing a diff before and after proves it too).

Best Answer

Interfaces are shutdown by default. If you don't explicitly enable them in your configuration, they aren't going to come up. I don't see any "no shutdown" commands in the config you are pasting in. You need to enter "no shutdown" for each interface you want up, then run "write mem" to save the configuration. Then reload to test.