Cisco ASA 5505 garbled output


I'm trying to debug a Cisco ASA 5505 that I do not have physical access to. I am using GoToMeeting to control a techs computer to talk to the router.

Here is a picture of the router output right after it's been rebooted:

The speed has not been changed in the router config. The serial setting wasn't changed. When I connect with PuTTY after it's been rebooted. I just see a cursor and when I type anything it stays on the same line even if I hit Enter.

I tested this router on my Windows 7 machine at my desk before I sent it to the customer and it worked fine.

Here are the COM1 settings:
Bits per sec: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: none
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: none

I tried removing and installing the COM1 drivers on the remote machine, and having someone unplug power and plug it back in several times. I think this is a baud rate issue, but i'm not sure.

Best Answer

That looks exactly like baud rate mismatch should. It's possible that somebody changed the default baud rate on the ASA from 9600 to something else. Try 115200 N81, 38400 N81, and 19200 N81 and see how they act.