Cisco ASA-5505 Port Forwarding


I have a Cisco ASA-5505 firewall, which is currently configured to share our internet connection and do NAT for my LAN, as well as forward port 443 to an internal machine.

I need to forward port 2222 to a second internal machine, and I'm running into a bit of trouble. My understanding is that typically packets are forwarded to a machine with a rule like:

static (inside,outside) [Public IP] [Internal IP] netmask

However, when I try to add two of these rules, they conflict with each other.

I tried adding port-specific rules like this instead:

static (inside,outside) tcp interface 443 [internal IP 1] 443 netmask
static (inside,outside) tcp interface 2222 [internal IP 2] 2222 netmask

But then both ports were filtered (as per nmap from a remote machine).

My access-list rules currently look like this:

access-list outside-in line 1 extended permit tcp any host [public IP] eq 443
access-list outside-in line 2 extended permit tcp any host [public IP] eq 2222

Can anyone provide me a working set of static and access-list rules that will forward port 443 to one machine, and port 2222 to a different machine?

EDIT: I should mention that, unfortunately, the only access I have to this ASA is via telnet – I can't use ASDM.

Best Answer

FIrst, there can be some discrepancies based on what level of code you are running...

There's a difference betweeen your old static NAT rule and the new rules that would be required to split up the ports from a single WAN IP to multiple internal IPs.

You can get the details from Cisco on how to do this here:

Youtube can also help visual learners..see here: