Cisco ASDM issue “cannot open device”


I've just gotten my ASA 5510 set up to run AnyConnect VPN (w/ client). Unfortunately, it appears that I broke whatever allows the ASDM to connect in somewhere during that process. I get a "cannot open device" when I try to connect into the device from my ASDM software for another ASA (5520) device that I have.

Both devices have the same ASDM version. Can someone help me with this issue? Below is a sanitized config.

    ip local pool XXXVPNPool x.x.5.1-x.x.5.254 mask
asdm image disk0:/asdm-715.bin
no asdm history enable

ldap attribute-map XXXVPN_Att_Map
  map-name  memberOf Group-Policy
  map-value memberOf CN=Users,DC=xxx,DC=com XXXVPNGrpPolicy
  map-value memberOf "OU=XXXX Users,DC=xxx,DC=com" XXXVPNGrpPolicy
dynamic-access-policy-record DfltAccessPolicy
aaa-server XXXX protocol ldap
aaa-server XXXX (inside) host x.x.2.38
 ldap-base-dn DC=xxx,DC=COM
 ldap-scope subtree
 ldap-naming-attribute sAMAccountName
 ldap-login-password *****
 ldap-login-dn CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=xxx,DC=COM
 server-type microsoft
 ldap-attribute-map XXXVPN_Att_Map

http server enable 65000

http redirect outside 80

crypto ca trustpoint ASDM_TrustPoint2
 enrollment terminal
 keypair XXXVPNcert
 crl configure

ssl trust-point ASDM_TrustPoint2 outside
 enable inside
 enable outside
 anyconnect image disk0:/anyconnect-win-3.1.00495-k9.pkg 1
 anyconnect profiles XXXVPNclient disk0:/XXXvpnclient.xml
 anyconnect enable
 tunnel-group-list enable

group-policy XXXVPNGrpPolicy internal
group-policy XXXVPNGrpPolicy attributes
 wins-server value x.x.2.38 x.x.1.75
 dns-server value x.x.2.38 x.x.1.75
 vpn-tunnel-protocol ssl-client 
 split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
 split-tunnel-network-list value XXXVPN_Split_Tunnel_List
 default-domain value
 address-pools value XXXVPNPool
  anyconnect profiles value XXXVPNclient type user

tunnel-group TunnelGroup1 type remote-access
tunnel-group TunnelGroup1 general-attributes
 address-pool XXXVPNPool
 authentication-server-group XXXX
 default-group-policy XXXVPNGrpPolicy
 dhcp-server x.x.2.38
tunnel-group TunnelGroup1 webvpn-attributes
 group-alias XXXVPN enable

Best Answer

I fixed the issue. I followed a link here:

And had to add ssl encryption rc4-md5 rc4-sha1 aes128-sha1 aes256-sha1 3des-sha1

I checked, this was not in the config a month ago and I was able to connect into the asdm just fine. Something about adding the VPN capability to the device required me to add this line in to get ASDM working.