Cisco – Deploy MSI silently – Cisco CAD Client Configuration


Deploy a MSI using Group Policy. Sounds easy right?

This MSI (CAD Client Configuration.msi) prompts for the IP address of our UCCX server. Most MSI's I have dealt with I can install silently uisng /q but this one not so much.

I can't assign it to the computer object becuase the prompt for the IP address is never visible.

I can't assignt it to the user object becuase they don't have the credintials to run to program.

I need to install this on 250 computers within the next 5 hours. Any advice??

Best Answer

Get SuperOrca and open the MSI. Check in the Property table for a property which could be assigned to this IP's value. You can then either pass the property on the command line or via a transform file (MST) to populate this property (and/or others).

Command line, assuming IPPROP is the IP property's name:

msiexec /i "CAD Client Configuration.msi" IPPROP= /qn

MST file:

msiexec /i "CAD Client Configuration.msi" TRANSFORMS=your.transform.mst /qn

It's also possible you may be able to simply install silently, and populate the registry with the IP value post-install.

msiexec /i "CAD Client Configuration.msi" /qn