Cisco – GigabitEthernet down/down


What could be the reason a cisco gigabitethernet interface gives status down protocol down and doesn't change this while doing a "no keepalive" on the interface? (nothing connected to the interface).

Interface                  IP-Address      OK? Method Status           Protocol   
GigabitEthernet0/0 YES NVRAM down down

Normaly this would give an "up down" status even if nothing is connected.

Any ideas? I want to use the "no keepalive" for testing purposes (when nothing is connected).

Best Answer

Issue the shutdown first, then issue the "no keepalive" command, then bring the interface back up. It should show up/up at this point and hold that state indefinitely (for a GE, anyhow). Turning keepalive tracking off while the interface has already marked itself down isn't going to bring it up.