Cisco – How to configure a Cisco Catalyst 2960 to synchronize with an NTP server


I would like to synchronize a Cisco Catalyst 2960 series switch with a publicly available NTP server such as I have reviewed the knowledge base article here:
Catalyst 2960 Configuration Guide but am not entirely sure which parts of the "Configuring NTP" subsection are relevant to my configuration.

  • How can I configure the Catalyst Switch to use an NTP server as its time source?
  • How can I confirm that the time is synchronized successfully with the NTP source?

Best Answer

Example config:

shipping-2960# show run | i ntp

ntp server
ntp server prefer
ntp server

To check status:

shipping-2960# show ntp status

Clock is synchronized, stratum 3, reference is
nominal freq is 190.7348 Hz, actual freq is 190.7286 Hz, precision is 2**18
reference time is D75F39BB.6F04B482 (21:08:59.433 CDT Wed Jul 2 2014)
clock offset is -6.8457 msec, root delay is 62.21 msec
root dispersion is 63.61 msec, peer dispersion is 14.11 msec