Cisco – How to load balance two WAN connections

ciscoload balancingrouter

Attached is a simple network diagram and some example public IP space I would have.enter image description here

The Cisco 1800 is currently not being used but can be used (or new hardware can be purchased)
The firewall is a German firewall and documentation is a bit hard to find on it.

  • I don't think BGP is an option since there it is a small block of IP space.
  • NAT is currently being done by the firewall

As far as I know my only option would be to use 2 default routes with SLA tracking.

Any other ideas or suggestions?

Best Answer

99% of load-balancing is knowing what you're trying to balance.

If you're trying to simply balance ANY and ALL IP-based traffic between two separate ISPs... you'll definitely need BGP or other similar border-routing protocol. But this will have to be negotiated with BOTH ISPs in order to make it happen.

If you're trying to load balance outbound traffic... many high-quality routers will allow you to do this with minimal effort. Without details of the kind of router... and it's capabilities... I can only guess.

If you're trying to load-balance inbound traffic... you're in for a fight. Quick & dirty DNS-based stratigies for distributing load (round-robin DNS... geographic-based DNS... etc..) are quite abundant... but they do not distribute load evenly. Other solutions are less-than glamorous... and most are dependent on having the IPs available from both ISPs.

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