Cisco ip nat overload algorithm


I have a cisco 7206 vxr with 15.0 ios(c7200p-adventerprisek9-mz.151-3.S0a.bin) .I configured the overloaded nat there.
some of confs:

ip nat pool nat a.b.c.2 a.b.c.254 netmask

ip nat inside source list nat pool nat overload

Also i do when needed ip nat inside and outside commands.

But the sh ip nat statistics gives :

Total active translations: 278405 (0 static, 278405 dynamic; 278460 extended)
Outside interfaces:
  GigabitEthernet0/1.42, GigabitEthernet0/3, GigabitEthernet0/3.9
Inside interfaces: 
Hits: 1325770289  Misses: 0
CEF Translated packets: 1248777875, CEF Punted packets: 1186298958
Expired translations: 569696201
Dynamic mappings:
-- Inside Source
[Id: 1] access-list nat pool nat refcount 278416
 pool nat: netmask
    start **a.b.c.2 end a.b.c.254**
    type generic, total addresses 253, **allocated 22 (8%)**, misses 0
nat-limit statistics:
 max entry: max allowed 0, used 0, missed 0

What is algorith of allocating public ip?(where i can read info about it)?

How i can utilizate all of ips?

Best Answer

Put type rotary at the end of your pool statement:

ip nat pool Pool_Name 4.x.x.241 4.x.x.253 netmask type rotary