Cisco – Mail server on port 25 only response with 500 command not recognized


There is a mail server that I'm trying to test using telnet. I telnet to the server on the port and it responses with "220 **************************************************************************"
The server is exchange and sending of mail requires authentication.

When I enter the command "helo" I get "500 5.3.3 Unrecognized command"
no matter what I enter, even "quit" I get the same response. The website MXToolbox ( says that the mail server is responding properly.

What could be wrong?

Best Answer

If the response truly is

220 ******************************************
then the answer is that, contrary to what you might think, you are not talking to a Microsoft Exchange SMTP server.

Rather, you're talking to a Cisco router with the "mailguard" mechanism enabled, as Microsoft explains to those who think that they have Exchange problems. As Cisco says, if you want to talk to a Microsoft Exchange server — or to any other server that requires SMTP extensions such as SMTP AUTH, for that matter — you must disable the "mailguard" mechanism and let the world talk to your actual server.