Cisco – Set up layer 2 vlan between 2 data centres


Our data centre provider operates 2 sites, and we currently have equipment in one and would like to have equipment in the second. They've told me that they operate a layer 2 vlan between the 2 sites over a 20gbit connection, and that they'd just give me ethernet cable at each end to connect the locations.

At the current site, we have Cisco 2960 48TC-L switches, all the machines are on a 192.168.x.x subnet and we have cisco firewalls with which we connect to our internet provider with.

My question is what would I need to do to connect the 2 sites? could I just plug the ethernet cables the provide into the cisco switches, and have the same switches the other end? would I need to set up a separate internal network on the other side and connect both through the firewalls? Would the cisco switches need special configuration?

We expect to maintain a number of connections between the 2 sites, and each site would have its own internal dns name like

Sorry if I'm being vague or haven't included enough information, I've a fairly good knowledge of hardware but we're down a netops guy at the moment and I'd like to get both sites on-line ASAP!

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

If they told you that they operate a layer 2 vlan between the 2 sites it probably means that if you plug the cable on the Cisco Switch and both side, you will be in the same network. The best is to ask your data centre provider.

Then you have to think of your needs, may be you don't need any L2 connectivity between both DC and in this case you can create 2 different L3 networks.

You also probably want to take a look on how public IP are managed (public IP on both DC or public IP on 1 DC with failover to the secondary DC in case of failure)