Citrix: Cannot connect to existing session


I'm working at a site that ask me to connect to certain in-house systems via Citrix AppGate over public internet.

Sometimes it happens that I get disconnected from the session and when I try to reconnect I get this message:
Citrix AppGate

I'm on the same device all the time.

When I call the internal help desk the answer is to wait. "Just wait 10-15 minutes and you'll be able to connect back to your original session.". This is actually true, but I do not have time to wait 10-15 minutes every time this happens.

Question: What is it in Citrix AppGate that makes it confused so that I cannot re-connect initially? Why is it helps to wait 10-15 minutes? How does it decide that this is an attempt for a new session, rather an attempt for a re-connect to an existing session?

(Side note: everybody here seems to accept that this is just the way software works, but I for one really doubt that Citrix deliberately designs software this poorly. I'm very frustrated :-))

Best Answer

I can explain why you get in after 10-15 minutes:

  • Your IP address fixed when session starts.

  • After you dropped session set your IP is invalid and don't allow you to connect to this session for next 15 minutes.

About Citrix dunno how you can fix it, probably might help changing IP.