Citrix Error: Your user profile was not loaded correctly


We get this error from out citrix server:

Your user profile was not loaded correctly!
You have been logged on with a temporary profile.
Changes you make to this profile will be lost when you log off.
Please see the event log for details or contact your administrator.

I am well aware there is a workaround by Citrix, that can be found here, but that doesn't permanently fix our issue. It seems to come back.

Any idea why that happens? Any suggestions on how to fix it?

Citrix version is 4.5 running on Windows 2003 x32

EDIT 14.IX.2012 @ 16.03 CT

I am sorry, let me clarify, it happens to some users, not all and not all the time.

Best Answer

I would advice you delete the user profile and then make a little adjustment to the profile username (Meaning do a rename of the username so it creates a fresh profile not minding the former username).
