Citrix Metaframe/RD – screen refresh weirdness

citrixremote desktop

I access a clients W2003 machine (XEN Virtualization) using RD over Citrix Metaframe. Everything used to be fine. Some weeks ago things turned bad ! All is well initially but after, say, 5 minutes the screen will stop refreshing.

Rather weirdly you can then still proceed in a way as you can make the screen refresh by getting the RD window to go through a restore/maximise cycle (this is only possible using the ALT-BREAK shortcut as everything else is locked up). This then allows you to proceed by typing something and going ALT-BREAK to see the results. Using menus is just not possible at all.

There's some indications that clearing the java cache between sessions helps. Also that the lockup happens more quickly if you make the 'lots of stuff happen' on the screen – for instance if you do a directory listing of a big directory then often that will cause the lockup to occur. Similary opening a dense Excel workbook and then scrolling it will cause the lockup to occur.

Any Metaframe veterans out there who recognise these symptoms ? I'd be very grateful as it's driving me nuts.

Best Answer

In my experience, screen refreshing issues are almost always Citrix\XenApp client related and upgrading to the latest client resolves them all. Can you upgrade to a newer client? I know XenApp Windows client is up to 11.2

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