CLI-Based monitoring tool for KVM


I am developing a scheduler for running VMs on KVM. The scheduling has over-commitment of resources like memory and CPU. For this, I need a CLI-based monitoring tool that keeps me giving information about the resource usage of each VM, because it might be the case that due to over-provisioning of resources, VMs on a particular host are running very slowly depending on the benchmarks/programs each VM is running, and then I need to migrate a VM to another host and so on.

I looked into libvirt-based tools like collects, MUNIN, Nagios-vert, etc.( ) I also looked into Ubuntu utility perf-kvm ( )

I want to ask which CLI-based would be recommended by the community so that I can make a automated scheduler that takes care of the above situation.

Best Answer

You can use top, htop, vmstat, dstat, iotop... and you can also read out the information from /proc//stats etc.

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