Batch File Windows Command Prompt – Run a Batch File After All Other Concurrent Batch Files Finish


I have a simple batch file which calls other batch files, it looks like this:

start /b run_part1.bat
start /b run_part2.bat
start /b run_part3.bat
start /b run_part4.bat

run_last.bat  // fires immediately, how to make this line wait until above finishes?

With the /b the first 4 files will run concurrently. All will finish within 1.5 hours.

I need another script to do some cleaning up after all the four files finish. However the run_last.bat will not wait for the first 4 files, it is called at the same time with the first 4.

Is there a way to achieve it?

Thank you.

Best Answer

Stop using the antiquated command prompt and use Powershell. You can use the ThreadJob module, as described in this excellent answer on SO:

$commands = { ./run_part1.bat },
            { ./run_part2.bat },
            { ./run_part3.bat },
            { ./run_part4.bat }
$jobs = $commands | Foreach-Object { Start-ThreadJob $_ }
$jobs | Receive-Job -Wait -AutoRemoveJob