CNAME point subdomain to another domain


I know this has been asked before in various forms, but I've tried all the suggestions and had no luck (or maybe skills).

I am trying to point a subdomain ( to Rackspace's hosted Webmail service for a client.

My understanding is I should be able to set up cname for the subdomain and point it to rackspace's hostname:

I have set up the following cnames:

www.mail            IN  CNAME
autodiscover        IN  CNAME
mail                IN  CNAME

I have tried doing dig and nslookup but both report that is a nonexistent domain.

I have restarted the name server numerous times.

I'm sure I must be missing something silly.

Thanks for any help!


Best Answer

A few observations:

The name servers are reported as and This is where you need to make the changes. You should need to restart the name server, only reload the zone.

Your CNAME entries should end in a period ( Otherwise, they should be interpreted as ending in ( giving the address instead of what you intend.

Redirecting mail when you have existing MX records pointing elsewhere doesn't seem to be very useful. If you are sending email to the Internet using these names, it will appear spamish. Mail will be delivered to the servers specified by the MX records.