CNAME Record with any other Resource Record in BIND


As per best of my understanding, CNAME can't exist with any other RR in DNS Server.
I am using BIND 9.9.5.

Now when i am adding CNAME record with a domain which already has NS Records, i am not getting any warning or error while checking zone with named-checkzone utility.

Also i restarted my named process and it doesn't give me any warning for the same while restarting the process.

I am wondering what's wrong. Do DNS bind program not suppose to give warning for CNAME stuff ?

Best Answer

I find this unlikely.

sub    IN NS
sub    IN CNAME

# named-checkzone
dns_master_load: CNAME and other data

A quick Google of CNAME and other data shows that this error message has been around as far back as 9.2.4, so I don't feel compelled to look further.

I suggest checking your zone file for syntax that is changing the FQDN of the record to something unexpected (typo, trailing dot, $ORIGIN statement, etc.). Even if you cannot spot a typo, it is highly recommended that you edit your original question to show the contents of the zone file. This will allow others to determine what is happening.