Co-location vs. cloud hosting

cloud computingcolocation

We have a decent-sized server estate: several ProLiants, plus IBM BladeCentre and SANs running a VMWare environment. Due to an imminent premises move, we're not going to have enough space for a server room, so I've been looking at moving everything out to a colo. My boss is more keen on the idea of cloud-hosting everything, which would include a couple of high-traffic websites (about 9m pageviews/month), our Exchange sever (about a million clean emails sent/received monthly), as well as file/print/AD/all the ususal stuff. This doesn;t sound like a good idea to me, but I'm new to the ways of the cloud. Can anyone offer any advice?

Best Answer

There isn't enough detail here. The issues to think about with cloud based hosting are:

  1. privacy/ownership issues - is it OK that someone else has legal ownership of your data? The implication being that currently (just like the phone company or any other service provider) should there be a subpoena issued for that data you have no right to be notified or quash the motion

  2. no performance SLA- While there are SLAs available for availability, I don't know of any cloud providers that provide performance SLAs

  3. Cost - very generally TCO (from cheapest to most expensive) is self owned-self hosted, colocated, VPS, cloud based. There are exceptions to every rule but for an entoer infrastructure, I've yet to see a cost effective cloud

The cloud has 1 real draw, and that's the pay for what you use model coupled with 0 expense deployment/provisioning. For labs, servers that get created and destroyed quickly and often, you can't beat the cloud.

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