Commandline option to create local users on Windows Server 2003


I need to create a number of local accounts on Windows Server 2003. Previously I have created them using the 'Computer Management' gui screen but that method is very tedious and slow.

Is there a command-line method to create a local user (not active directory)?

Ideally the command-line method would create username, password from a CSV file.


Creating a user from the command-line.

net user myUserName /random /add /comment:"9.13.2011" /expires:never /fullname:"My User Name" /passwordchg:no

Adding that user to 'Remote Desktop Users' group:

net localgroup "Remote Desktop Users" myUserName /add

Best Answer

To expand on Sergey's comment:

The Net command in NT can provide complete local user and group management. You'll need to work with syntax and your intentions, primarily:

  • net accounts
  • net user
  • net localgroup

Sergey's link is good, but these examples may give you more options.

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