Commands /etc/init/boot.local get started before some environment variables get initialized


I have OpenSuse 11.4.

I start some on-boot scripts inside /etc/init/boot.local.

Where could I move those scripts so that they would be started after all (most) environment variables got initialized?

These scripts need to be started really once, so things such as /etc/profile.local aren't candidates.

I try to start Sonar, which searches for Java in some strange way (instead just by look up JAVA_HOME), and it fails to find Java (logs don't tell me exactly why). From command line, after boot, it can be started (as root and as user).

I suppose, there are some environment variables which get initialized inside services. Can it be that way?

EDIT: from sonar/bin/linux-x86-64
EDIT: sonar.log from sonar/logs

Best Answer

I'm not familiar with openSUSE, but in my opinion, the best way is export the environment variables before starting the services in /etc/init/boot.local.


Unable to start JVM: No such file or directory

Does JAVA_HOME/bin/ is already in your PATH?