Conditional forwarder for one domain only


I've Windows 2016 DC on domain Super.Dom. I've setup conditional forwarder in DNS for domain test.dom. Now this test.dom is a separate domain and so it has multiple other domains setup on it. Including some external domain

For some reason queries for return results from "local" subnets instead of using external forwarders (

So it would seem DNS is using conditional forwarder of test.dom to deliver answer for which is weird (at least unexpected). Is that standard? How can i force Windows DNS to only use conditional forwarding for test.dom (and maybe subdomains of test.dom) and not return anything else from other domains?

Best Answer

I don't think it is your conditional forwarder that is causing this behaviour. if you have configured the conditional forwarder to forward any query for the domain test.dom to another set of DNS servers then that is the only domain it will resolve using this conditional forwarder.

On your super.dom DNS servers what entries do you have in the forwarders tab? do you have any entries in there? if you have entries like then it is this entry that will try to resolve and not your conditional forwarder. alternatively if you don't have any entries in you forwarders tab then your super.dom DNS servers will be using RootHints to try and resolve

if your Super.dom DNS servers don't have internet access then you can edit the forwarders tab to send all requests that the DNS server cant resolve to another DNS Server that does have internet access.