Conditional forwarder for reverse zone not working


We have DNS servers hosted on our Windows domain controllers, 2012R2. Currently we have a conditional forwarder for, which is working fine. We'd like to also forward PTR queries for their IP range, so I created a conditional forwarder to their DNS servers. However, it seems it doesn't work. When I do nslookup I get NXDOMAIN. If I point it to their server, it works: nslookup returns the name of the machine.

Is there anything special needed when forwarding reverse domains? All the documentation and forum posts/blogs etc I've read while troubleshooting indicates that there shouldn't be any magic involved.

Best Answer

Adding a forwarder at runtime does not automatically invalidate any queries that are currently sitting in cache for that domain. This includes negatively cached records that returned NXDOMAIN when queried. The more frequently the record is being requested, the higher the probability that the record has been cached recently.

If it's critical that the forwader change take effect immediately, the change should be accompanied by a cache purge of all records beneath that scope. It's still possible to confirm whether the change was successful without a cache purge, but you'll need to look at the returned TTL to verify that the response did not come from cache. In a pinch, you can add a fresh record on the authoritative server that you know will not be in cache.